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linguistics and applied中文是什么意思

用"linguistics and applied"造句"linguistics and applied"怎么读"linguistics and applied" in a sentence


  • linguistics语言学及应用语言学


  • Linguistics and applied linguistics in
  • Linguistics and applied linguistics
  • The national key research center for linguistics and applied linguistics clal , china
  • The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real
  • Lin chen , majoring in linguistics and applied linguistics , m . a , is from the college of chinese languages and culture of jiannan university
  • After many days and nights of hard work , i was recruited by the school of foreign languages at sun yat - sen university and became a postgraduate in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics
  • Western philosophy of language is a compulsory course for the ph . d . students at the national key research center for linguistics and applied linguistics in guangdong university of foreign studies ( gdufs )
  • The post - doctoral researcher is to work within the broad areas of functional linguistics and applied linguistics ( which include systemic functional linguistics , discourse analysis , language teaching studies , translation studies )
    博士后研究人员应主要从事功能语言学或广义的应用语言学某一专题的研究(包括系统功能语言学、语篇分析、语言教学、翻译研究) 。
  • This paper first introduces the historical development of one of the key research institutes of humanities and social sciences in universities in china since the 1970s , and it then concludes that this key institute - the centre for linguistics and applied linguistics ( clal ) in the guangdong university of foreign studies ( gdufs ) has accumulated five aspects of experience in its development , proposing clal construction and management as system engineering
  • At the second semester of my junior year , many students began to hit the books to prepare for the postgraduate exam , and so did i . after many days and nights of hard work , i was recruited by the school of foreign languages at sun yat - sen university and became a postgraduate in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics
用"linguistics and applied"造句  
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